The 4 Pillars of SEO – Drive More Business to your Website
SEO has always been and remains to this day, a hi8ghly complicated and ever-evolving field of work, with new techniques and changes being made constantly to search engines, it can be difficult to work out where to focus your time. However, there are a few principles regarding what work is absolutely essential to rank your website for relevant keywords, often called the “pillars of SEO”. These principles should be your sole focus when beginning a new SEO campaign for a website, so let’s take a look at them in more detail.
1. Technical SEO
Technical SEO is the name given to any work that affects the way your website is read by individual search engines. This can include things like how easy your site is to crawl and explore or how fast your page loads. Ultimately this is to ensure the websites they offer to their users in the search results are of high quality. Depending on the size of your site and the platform you are building on, the amount of work this will take can vary significantly, the more pages, the more work.
2. On-Site Optimization
Your website should be viewed holistically, page by page to ensure that each part of your site is properly optimized for the information that it is conveying. There are many things that you can do in order to optimize your site and they are all relatively easy to perform, such as making sure your URLs are short, descriptive and to the point, doing proper keyword research in preparation for content optimization and rewriting your pages met description like ad copy. All of these things will sharpen up both the way the search engines view your site, but also how the users of your site will experience it.
3. Content
Content is one of the most vital parts of optimizing a website for targeted keywords as this is one of the main things that Googles algorithm will use to determine exactly what your business does and what keywords are most relevant to what you do. As such the content on your website needs to be well written and properly targeted to the individual information each page is conveying. This is especially important for businesses who offer multiple services or products who are looking to rank for a range of different keywords.
4. Off-Site Authority Building
One of the most important factors for performing effective SEO in Australia is to have 3rd party sites referring back to your website as an authoritative source of information for a relevant topic. Link building is an extremely complex topic which would require a whole article of its own to explain but suffice it to say you need to have links from reputable and authoritative sites that perform well in their own SEO in order for the link to add real value to your site’s rankings, however, these links can be very difficult to acquire.